1. Definitions
2. Identity of the entrepreneur
3. General
4. Right of Witdrawal
5. Exclusion Right of Withdrawal
6. Exchange
7. Delivery
8. Changes to the general Terms and Conditions
9. Customers and Disputes
1. Definitions
In these general terms and conditions,
- Reflection period; withing which the consumer can make use of his right of withdrawal
- Consumer; natural person, not acting in the exercise of a profession or business and an agreement on enters into an agreement with the web store
- Day; calendar day.
- Right of withdrawal; right of the consumer to waive the within the indicated cooling-off period distance contract.
- Webshop; the natural or legal person offers the products to consumers at a distance.
- Distance agreement; agreement between conreument on webshop concluded at a siatance by using a designated system.
- In writting; in writting is also understood to mean electronic communication such as email. Provided the identity of the sender and the authenticity of the communication are sufficiently established .
2. Entrepreneur identity
Store name: Just Be Fashion Boutique
Chamber of Commerce 0668880
Location; Maldenburg 7, 3085KG Rotterdam
E-mail; info@justbefashion.nl
Phone; 0683945267
3. General
- These general terms and conditions apply to every offer from Just Be Fashion Boutique and to every distance contract concluded between the webshop and the consumer.
- The agreement is concluded when the consumer accepts the offer from the webshop and meets the conditions set out in that offer.
- The entrepreneur immediately confirm receipt of the acceptance of the offer. Until the moment that Just Be Fashion has sent this confirmation, the consumer can disslove the agreement.
- As an expection to paragraph 2, the agreement is only concluded after the entrepreneur has been informed, within the legal frameworks, whether the consumer can meet his payment obligations and of other facts and factors that are important to coclude a distance contract in a responsible manner, to be able to handle. if there are sufficient grounds for refusal, just Be Fashion Boutique has the right not to enter into the agreement, at least to dissolve it or to attach special conditions to the agreement.
4. Right of withdrawal
- The consumer has the right to disslove the agreement witout giving any reason within 14 days after receipt of the product by the consumer or a representative designated by the consumer in advance.
- The consumer will handle the product and packaging with care during this period. the consumer will only unpack or use the product to the extent that this is neccessary for the assessment of the product.
- If the consumer wishes to make use of the right of withdrawal, he must report this in writting to Just be Fashion Boutique within the reflection periode. Just Be Fashion Boutique will immediately send confirmation of this message.
- Products must be returned to Just Be Fashion Boutique together with all delivered accessories and as much as possible in the original condition and packaging , in accordance with the provided clear and reasonable instructions.
- In the event of dissolution, the costs of the return will be borne by the consumer 6.
- After dissolution, the consumer must return the product within 14 days at the latest in accordance with paragraph 4 particular.
- The entrepreneur will reimburs the payments received from the consumer within fourteen days after dissolution.
5. Exclusion Right of Dissolution
The right of withdrawal is excluded for the following products:
- Which have been established by the entrepreneur in accordance with the consumer's specifications.;
- Which are clearly personal in nature;
- Which by their nature cannot be returned;
- Which can spoil or age quickly;
- The price of wich is subject to fluctuations in the financial market over wich the entrepreneur has no influence;
- For loose newspapers or magazines;
- For audio and video recordings and computer sotware of wich the consumer has broken the seal.
6. Exchange
Exchange is only possible if the consumer meets the following conditions:
- If there is a manufacturing defect
- Products are not use, damage, worn or washed
- Product are free of odors or make-up
- Exchange is possible within 14 days
- The price tags and the protectatag intact and not removed
If the above conditions are not met, the product cannot be exchanged.
7. Dilevery
- The place of delivery is the address that the consumer has made know to the entrepreneur.
- The entrepreneur will deliver orders within 7 days at the latest, unless a longer delivery period has een agreed. The entrepreneur will report delays in delivery in a timely manner.
- The consumer has the righ to cancel if delivery takes place or can only take places after these 30 days wihout prior agreement. In the event of dissolution, the entrepreneur will reimburse the payments received from the consumer within thirty days at the latest.
- The risk of damage or loss of products transfers to the consumer at the time of delivery to the sonsumer or a third party designated by them in advance.
8. Changes to the Term and Conditions
- The General Terms and Conditions can be adjusted at any time by Just e Fashion Boutique.
- If any provision of the General Terms and Conditions is declared null and void, the other provisions of the General Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect.
- Just Be Fashion Boutique were to establish a new provision to replace the void/nullified provision, taking into account the meaning of the void voided provision as possible.
9. Complaints and Disputes
- Only Dutch law applies to agreements between the entrepreneur and consumer.
- Complaints about the execution of the agreement must be submitted whitin a reasonable time, but no later than 7 days after the consumer has discovered the defects, fully and clearly described in writing to the web store.
- Complaints submitted to Just Be Fashion Boutique will be answered within 14 days of rceipt of the complaint. If the complaint cannot be resolved within 14 days, the entreperneur will inform you in a timely manner report this and therby give an indication of the period within wich the consumer will find a solution may expect.
- If the consumer and the entrepreneur cannot agree on the solution of the complaint, the consumer can submit the complaint to the disputes committee.